IPC is a photographic club that puts the growth of every member at the heart of what we do…

to develop photographic artists

IPC aims to empower our members to become courageously creative while still striving for the highest standards of skill and technique

Have a look below to see what we do differently…


1. Image Review vs Competition

By focusing on a single image entry each month per member, rather than the mutiple submissions that is more common in club photography, we have tasked our members to consider 10 important elements prior to submitting their work for review. Consequently, we have devised a spreadsheet (still experimental and subject to continuous improvement) for both the members AND our evaluators to use. The monthly submissions do not necessarily form part of the Body of Work.

While general consensus is that art cannot be subjected to a checkbox, we offer the following reasoning for our framework:

  1. An attempt to standardise the process regardless of proficiency of the artist, so that evaluator/genre/content bias is minimised

  2. An opportunity to constantly review our work alongside the guiding principles of GREAT art and photography

  3. An unequivocal stance that creativity/story-telling/impact is no excuse for sloppy work, and that as photographic artists we must continually be looking to grow and improve our skills

  4. To slow down the process of “judging” and to be able to offer considered feedback, while simultaneously allowing room for discussion (after the evaluator session)

  5. To provide a measured framework for self-monitoring and analysis so that follow up education and learning can occur

  6. A pathway where IPC can promote the highest possible standards of photography within our club

2. Your “Body of Work” - Annual Exhibition

IPC endeavours to host an exhibition each year showcasing the work of our members. The exhibited art takes the form of a Body of Work on which members work throughout the year. It is here where messaging and story-telling will take priority, supported by the strive for better skills and techniques through our monthly Image Review sessions. The work displayed here will not necessarily be the work submitted for monthly review.

It is not easy to present a burning deep message in a single photograph, so we encourage members to build that story over several works that is to be presented as a series or body of work. These works are presented and discussed at our Show & Tell sessions set out throughout the year as part of our Skills & Development programme.

To date, we have hosted 2 very successful exhibitions at which many works were sold. For our 2024 exhibition, we have decided on a central exhibition theme around which all members will work - HOPE

To be a part of this incredible journey, get in touch here

Skills & Development

To see the Youtube video of our latest exhibition, please use this link:


3. Creative Tools

The journey of (creative) photography can also be a lonely and overwhelming one, and we have encouraged the use of several mechanisms to assist our members, amongst which are journaling - both stream-of-consciousness, as well as creative. We also encourage our members to connect with an Accountability Partner for encouragement and accountability to help stay the course.

Our Skills & Development programme focuses on helping members find their voice and bring about the execution of their (creative) photographic vision

Accountability Partners

Our process is constantly evolving and we embrace this journey